About Us

Southeast Equity Properties (SEP) is one of the top providers of single family investment properties in Birmingham. We have been providing quality investment properties to investors since 2005. One of our primary strengths is facilitating the needs of out of state investors and even out of area/foreign clients. How do we do that?

  • Quality House Selection
  • Purchasing in Stable Neighborhoods
  • Quality Renovations
  • In-House Property Management
  • Great Rental Market
  • Continued Service

SEP is able to purchase and renovate in stable neighborhoods with the best possible prices. We have the best agents in the foreclosure market, bank relationships with asset managers, and house finders searching daily for our next investment.

Our main focus is house selection, quality of work and placement with a good management team. We have hand selected and vetted our management teams – licensed and registered with the real estate commission. Good management is vital to the Turn-key concept, from pro-active leasing to efficient maintenance, it takes a good team on the ground and Southeast Equity Properties has that!

We invite you to come and visit us. We’d love to take you to eat BBQ and see what we have to offer.